Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Next Show: May 21!

Anyway, we have our lineup for the next show and I am psyched. It's going to be: Me, Randi Skaggs playwrite and schoolteacher, Helen Coster, journalist at Forbes, Sara Barron, an excellent comedic writer and host of the Moth Storytelling Series and Coree Spencer, another excellent up and coming writer in New York.

It will be May 21. And the theme is The Day Before Yesterday. Meaning that the show is May 21, and writers will all write about what happened to them two days before the show; i.e. the day before yesterday.

Anyway, please keep your eyes peeled for seriel installments of last month's story, that was read on April 16, starting soon. As the prior post explained it was a four-part story written by Saara Dutton, Pete Olsen, Ari V. and David Silverman, and it was really cool.

I also plan to write about what Storytime means to me, why I started it, what it's been like, who has read, and also to publish some of my own stories that I have written for the show. And maybe some of my other stories as well. Because, you know, I am a writer.

Also, if you have any questions about Storytime, or would like to read please contact me at I can tell you what you need to do to get on, put you on the mailig list, and just fill you in on the full spectrum of the Storytime world.


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