Anyway, what is Storytime! It is a show at the Magnet Theater in Chelsea, New York. Once a month four or so writers gather to read new works to audiences. There are no rules but one: no poetry.
This April 16 we had a cool four-part story. It was kind of like the game Telephone. Four writers: Saara Dutton, Pete Olson, Ari Voukydis and David Silverman all worked on one long piece. Saara wrote part A, handed it to Pete who wrote part B, who handed it to Ari to write Part C. Except Pete didn't bring over Saara's part, so Ari had imperfect information. Then Ari handed it to David, who didn't get Saara's part or Pete's.
Actually the story turned out pretty kick ass. It's this weird Tarantino-esque robbery of a Wal-Mart in Kansas. I not only don't think I could have ever come up with it, I don't think the writers individually could ever have come up with what they did. I plan to post the story on this blog when I get it, and an audio of the whole show.
Storytime! started two years ago at the Pit Theater in Chelsea. We've had some amazing talent read at the show. Often we have themed readings. Past themes have included: Spring Fever, Rites of Passage and The Light. Our next show is May 21 and will be cool as hell. I will say more later.
Do you have a mailing list for upcoming shows?
Sure. All you have to do is email, and I will gladly put you on the mailing list. Sound good?
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